How to Make a Website and Sell it For $1,100 (Without Coding)

Karen Cherry
12 min readNov 19, 2021

If I can do it, you can do it too

Photo by Samuel-Elias Nadler on Unsplash

It was the most marvelous business idea. It came to me early one morning in a moment of inspiration after a night of energetic dreams.

My idea was a business in a new niche with plenty of room to grow and almost no competition. Like all great business ideas, it began as a problem I needed to solve for myself and became a solution that would help thousands of other people. The idea was unique but the solution was simple and delivered by a model that was easy to execute. At its core, the solution was a directory website.

I built the website. And this week I sold it to a dude called Scott for $US1,100. Here’s how you can do it too.

Step One

Build a website. Just kidding. Don’t do that (yet!).

Step one is to find a problem that can be solved with a website. When you sell your website you are selling its potential to earn money. To earn money the website needs to be solving a problem.

Step Two

Get crystal clear about how the website will earn money. You can sell your website before it starts making money or after it starts making money, but either way it must have an easy-to-follow roadmap for making money. No one will buy…



Karen Cherry

Substack writer. Secret tree hugger. Aussie business owner with >$18K revenue on Substack. Refusing to dumb it down.