Get More Subscribers Using LinkedIn (42 Rules for LinkedIn Mastery)

Rules to help you get the best from the most underrated social media platform

Karen Cherry
11 min readJun 23, 2023

LinkedIn is criminally underrated as a platform for connection and growth. I use it to grow my Substack publication, but not in the way you might think.

LinkedIn is full of icky salespeople who are constantly trying to sell you stuff. At least, that’s what many creators think. Perhaps your version of LinkedIn is like that, but mine isn’t. My version of LinkedIn is full of valuable, interesting contacts, colleagues and fans.

How can this be? Why is my LinkedIn a fantastic place to hang out, meet new people, get new ideas for content and find new (potential) subscribers, while yours is a hot mess of hustle porn and ads for CRM software?

Because you are doing LinkedIn wrong.

It’s taken me many years and many false starts to create a LinkedIn happy place for myself and my businesses. In this post, I share what I’ve learnt about using LinkedIn for growth and connection, without being icky, salesy or desperate. And I share 42 rules that have helped me grow, form real connections and actually enjoy using LinkedIn.



Karen Cherry

Substack writer. Secret tree hugger. Aussie business owner with >$19K revenue on Substack. Refusing to dumb it down.