Do You Earn More Munny If You Write More Words?

Is a 30 day writing challenge a waste of time?

Karen Cherry
4 min readSep 8, 2023
Photo by Ricky Kharawala on Unsplash

This post was inspired by Kristina God‘s article which challenges new writers to publish daily.

There are some excellent non-financial benefits to publishing daily, including building good habits, crushing perfectionism and getting faster at writing. But publishing daily has a price. It takes time; time which you could spend on other activities.

So before you accept a 30-day challenge and jump on the hamster wheel of daily Medium creation, you probably want to know if it’s worth your time and effort.

3 Reasons to write more

I’ve listed the non-financial benefits of publishing more often already. Now for the financial benefits. Here are the three biggest reasons to write more and press ‘Publish’ more often on Medium:

  1. More Medium munny (partner program payouts)
  2. More Medium munny (partner program payouts)
  3. More Medium munny (partner program payouts)

Medium writers like Kristina and Lawson Wallace — who have way more followers than lil’ ol’ me — say you can earn more from Medium’s partner program if you publish more often.



Karen Cherry

Substack writer. Secret tree hugger. Aussie business owner with >$19K revenue on Substack. Refusing to dumb it down.