5 ReasonsYour Newsletter is Doomed

Substackers be warned

Karen Cherry
4 min readDec 22, 2022
Photo by Kate Karpenkova on Unsplash

So you’ve started an email newsletter? Good for you! And it’s going to make you money, one day. Are you sure?

I’m living proof that it's possible to make money with a Substack newsletter. But I’m in the minority. Most email newsletters fail to make enough money to justify the time their creators invest.

Don’t let your dreams of newsletter revenue prove fruitless. These five reasons are your sanity check. You need to offer your readers a newsletter that is free from the five problems below if you want to successfully monetize your newsletter with paid subscription fees.

What is it — exactly — that readers will pay for, and what is your newsletter missing?

1. It’s not different enough

The internet is a busy place. Inboxes are crowded. Your newsletter needs to be different. People will pay for different.

Different could take the form of:

  • more useful, more in-depth, more specific content;
  • more entertaining content;
  • a unique ‘insiders’ view;
  • being free from ads, thinly disguised promotional pieces or low-quality filler articles that appear in competitors’ content.



Karen Cherry

Substack writer. Secret tree hugger. Aussie business owner with >$19K revenue on Substack. Refusing to dumb it down.